Episode 8 | Local News Publishers: Subscriptions vs. Memberships vs. Donations
In today's episode we discuss whether you as a publisher should sell memberships, subscriptions, or ask for donations.
In coversations over the last few months, we've talked with a lot of local news publishers who have leaned toward selling the concept of a membership rather than a subscription to entice their readers to pay for access. And some are making it mission based and asking for donations.
Which one is right for your publication?
In today's episode we discuss whether you as a publisher should sell memberships, subscriptions, or ask for donations.
In coversations over the last few months, we've talked with a lot of local news publishers who have leaned toward selling the concept of a membership rather than a subscription to entice their readers to pay for access. And some are making it mission based and asking for donations.
Which one is right for your publication?
In coversations over the last few months, we've talked with a lot of local news publishers who have leaned toward selling the concept of a membership rather than a subscription to entice their readers to pay for access. And some are making it mission based and asking for donations.
Which one is right for your publication?